Speaking: Advancing Women's Economic Inclusion in 2020 and Beyond

Speaking: Panel Discussion

Advancing Women's Economic Inclusion in 2020 and Beyond

Event Date: October 31, 2020

Event Description: Today, we focus on gender equity and the impact COVID-19 has had on women's economic inclusion. We are thrilled to be joined by two leaders in gen-equity: Anjum Sultana, from WYCA Canada (the world's oldest and largest gender-equity organization) and co-author of a feminist economic recovery plan for Canada, and Jessica Ketwaroo-Green, who is working hard to raise awareness of the 'shadow pandemic' and its serious implications on the lives of women.

Our guests discuss the importance of creating broader, community-focused systemic change to enhance women's gender equity. They also talk about the 'shadow pandemic' (the recent international surge in gender-based violence), access to childcare, and advice for women to help them continue advancing in their careers.

Watch the video here


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